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22. April 2023, 13:45

Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz

Rechtzeitig zum Earth Day zeigt eine Studie von Ipsos, dass es den Österreicherinnen und Österreichern an Wissen darüber fehlt, welche Maßnahmen am besten geeignet sind, um das Klima zu schützen. Daher nachfolgend eine Übersicht der Maßnahmen, die am meisten CO2-Äquivalente einsparen.

Live car-free
Shift to BEV
One less flight (long return)
Renewable electricity
Shift to public transport
Refurbishment and renovation
Vegan diet
Heat pump
Improved cooking equipment
Renewable-based heating
One less flight (medium return)
Passive house
Produce renewable electricity
Sustainable diet (unspecified)
Less car transport
Vegetarian diet
Shift to PHEV/HEV
Less transport by air
Shift to lower carbon meats
Oranic food
Shift to active transport
Mediterrean and similar
Produce own food
Regional/local food
No pets
Service/sharing economy
Eat out eco-friendly
Shift to a smaller car
Less living space/co-housing
Food waste reduction
Nutrition guidelines diet
Fuel efficient driving
Seasonal/fresh food
Better thermal insulation
Partial shift to dairy/plants/fish
Less packaging
Hot water saving
Less animal products
Food sufficiency
Smart metering
Lower room temperature
Less processed food/alcohol
Walk instead of bus
Fewer purchases/durable items
More efficient appliances
Energy and material efficiency
Less textiles
Less energy use (clothing)
Better use of appliances
Fewer appliances
Bio-plastics/Less plastic/chemicals
Food waste management
Low-carbon construction
Recycled materials
Green roofs
Less paper

Migitation potential (tCO2eq/cap; Median mehrerer Studien)
Daten: Ivanova et al., 2020

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